Agresearch Lead is a firm with an extensive experience in project management, project evaluations, socio-economic research and surveys, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), market research, M&E systems development and Organizational Development. The firm has deployed participatory tools and approaches and appropriate evaluation designs in assignment execution. We have successfully carried out assignments in the field of Agriculture, Child and Social Protection, GESI, climate change, Education, Public Health and Nutrition, WASH, Market research and Organizational Development using gender and youth inclusive approaches. The organization has established positive working relationship with government institutions and key stakeholders in the development space. We deduce guidance from our gender plan, data analysis plan, Data quality control protocols and key stakeholder engagement frameworks in our assignment delivery.
Agresearch Lead also provide services in Monitoring & Evaluation systems development by conducting initial M&E assessments and deploying participatory approaches in M&E system strengthening.

What We Offer

Socio-economic research surveys

Successfully deployed quantitative and qualitative approaches in data collection in Ghana and has a well-resourced team with agricultural, Educational and Health related backgrounds

Project Evaluation and impact assessments

The firm has monitoring and evaluation experts skilled in the deployment of participatory monitoring and evaluation approaches.

Market research

We provided services in the health sector, consumer goods and has worked closely with value chain actors in the shea, cocoa, baobab, poultry and vegetable sectors.

Monitoring and Evaluation Hub

We provided services in the health sector, consumer goods and has worked closely with value chain actors in the shea, cocoa, baobab, poultry and vegetable sectors.

Monitoring and Evaluation systems development

We have a solid foundation and practical experience in the establishment of monitoring and evaluation systems for international organizations.

Organizational Development

we provide OD services to organizations such as Organizational Capacity Assessments (OCA) to identify areas that require OD interventions and using the outcome of the assessment to develop strategies for the organizations.

We are proud to
introduce Agresearch Lead in pictures.
We are on a mission to bring the world closer together through digital and innovative research approaches and training services to partners.

Best M&E solutions

Agresearch lead for the past years has supported monitoring and evaluation system development such areas designing M&E tools, reviewing M&E/MEL frameworks, Digital M&E solutions, quarterly and annual reporting systems among others to international organizations on USAID, European Union funded, GIZ Ghana projects among others.