Research Areas

Socio-economic Research surveys
Agresearch lead has pool of consultants with expertise ranging from Agriculture, climate change, Public Health and Nutrition, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), WASH, Education and social and child protection. The firm has over 700 enumerators (60% women representation) distributed across Ghana and other African countries. The firm over the years have worked with Oxfam International, Care International, Rainforest Alliance, World Vision, International Cocoa Initiative, Fairtrade foundation, Catholic Relief Services, IMPACT Initiatives, Jhpiego, International Fertilizer Development Center, J. E Austin Associates, Care International Ghana, Integrated Water and Agricultural Development (IWAD) among others.
Project monitoring and Evaluation and impact assessments
The firm is skilled in project evaluations and impact assessments. The firm over the years conducted evaluations for donor funded interventions in Ghana, Mali, Cote d;Ivoire, Kenya, Nigeria and Ethiopia. Such projects include endline evaluation of the Northern Ghana Climate Resilience Programme (NGCRP), Impact evaluation of the Growing Up Free Project, Endline evaluation of RAISE I, Baseline evaluation for RAISE II, Endline evaluation for child labor prevalence in Ghana among others. The firm is made up of certified monitoring and evaluation practitioners taking into consideration women inclusivity and the use of participatory monitoring and evaluation approaches.

Market Research
Understanding the market dynamics and consumer insights is a service Agresearch Lead provides. We have provided market research services on the USAID bicycles for Growth Project, family planning products, malaria test kits and zinc supplements under the USAID Shops Project. The firm has worked closely with value chain actors in the shea, cocoa, baobab, maize, Rice, soybean, cowpea, groundnut, poultry and vegetable sectors.

Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs)
Agresearch has associate consultants with vast experience in environmental impact assessment. The firm consist of qualified consultants with PhD and Masters with certification in Strategic Environmental assessment. The team has worked closely with the District Assemblies in Ghana understanding the decentralization systems and the application of SEA concepts to enhance environmental and climate smart planning.
Capacity building areas

Monitoring and Evaluation innovation Hub
Agresearch lead is well resourced with M&E practitioners who understand the implications of M&E in project management. The team has worked largely on Donor-funded projects, CSOs and Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies on Monitoring and evaluation. The primary target for this component is the District Planning Officers to enhance the Medium Term Development Planning process, the Civil Society Organizations to enhance their capacity in applying the participatory monitoring and evaluation tools in indicator performance monitoring of donor funded projects in Ghana and beyond.
Organizational Development
Agresearch Lead has a team of certified Organizational Development Advisors with extensive experience in the deployment of Organizational Development instruments such as the OCAT among others. Agresearch Lead provided services to the Catholic Diocesan in the Savannah region of Ghana assisting the institution identify areas that require Organizational Development (OD) interventions and subsequently assisted in the implementation of the strategies.

Monitoring and Evaluation systems development
Agresearch lead for the past years has supported monitoring and evaluation system development by designing M&E tools, reviewing M&E/MEL frameworks, population of performance measurement Frameworks, providing digital M&E solutions, establishing quarterly and annual reporting systems, development of indicator trackers and collecting data for indicators. Organizations services were provided to include Oxfam International, Catholic Relief Services, GIZ_Ghana among others. The firm comprise of certified Monitoring and Evaluation consultants with extensive experience in the field of Monitoring and Evaluation.
Data Transcription
Agresearch lead team comprises of a team of transcribers who have received in-house trainings on audio transcriptions and qualitative data validation. The team has provided services to donor-funded projects such as International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), Arizona State University, Care International, EnCompass, Made, among others by transcribing audios from English to word or from local Ghanaian languages to English on word. The team also transcribed audios from interviews conducted in Uganda and Kenya.
Tree planting and monitoring
The team of in-house and associates has in over the past years embarked on tree planting exercises and subsequently monitoring for survival and replacement. The team has successfully deployed digital means of monitoring by use of GPS devices to pick points to facilitate monitoring.